How To Master Your Time and Be More Productive

Source: Unsplash

I know you have heard it before… blah blah blah… time is one of the most valuable resources that humans have… Yet this old wisdom, despite how boring it sounds, can change your life when you understand it. Most other resources like wealth, possessions, etc. can be reacquired if there is enough time. But not time itself!

No matter what you do, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a working professional, a student, or a freelancer: You need to master the art of time management. Mastering your own time allows you to create better results and shape your future.

So here is some insider information for you and everyone who is wondering how to master their time and be massively productive:


Not the way you might have heard it before. We live in a world where everyone has thousands of things on their to-do lists, whether personal or professional. Most of the time, it is almost impossible to do all of them. What can you do in a situation like that? Especially if you want to master your time and be more productive: prioritize the effects of your efforts. Sort out the list of things and categorize them as life-changing projects (writing that book, starting that project, talking to that important person), must be done operations (money to eat and for your home, basic finances), self-care (shower, teeth, eat well, fitness), and friendships (enough time to maintain your good friendships, yet not too much to distract from other priorities).

Map your energy

Remember, we are not machines! So you don’t work at the same level of energy throughout the day, right? You and every person is different and so is their energy timeline. In order to master your time, learn to understand your own energy levels during the day and week and assign the things that you need to do accordingly. As well, the best custom 1-on-1 coaching programs can help you understand your unique talents and how to match your energy with your to-do list.

Create productivity pockets

Gone are the days of working hard at one job and waiting for a promotion (or some special appraisal) to get better pay. These days, people believe in setting up as many sources of income as they can to maximize their earnings.

Get It Out of the way

Is there a thing on your to-do list that you have been procrastinating on? Is it that you don’t really want to do that thing? Or it is something that is making you feel negative in some way? Write it out. Or speak with a trusted person to gain clarity on this. Next, get ahead of it & get that thing done! Or as Mark Twain & Brain Tracy like to say, Eat The Frog first: keep being proactive.

Explore Unused Time

A lot of the time, we tend to waste our time on little things like lines, travel, etc. You can always put this time to better use. Do the things you don’t usually find time for in your daily routine. It might even be a short breath meditation, or relaxation exercise, or self-acupressure.

Minimize Distractions

The worst enemy: distractions. You can spend all your time planning to work but one little mosquito can come your way and stray you away from your objectives. Ignore it! You can never meet your deadlines or be the master of your life if you allow yourself to be distracted. So, avoid them altogether. Structure your life to kill the distractions: hide the iPad in a drawer, disable most social media notifications, cancel Netflix, put the chocolate outside in the mailbox, etc.

And finally, unplug! Zone out in healthy doses and get some rejuvenation for yourself.

All my best,

Christian Pyrros

Senior Mentor & Coach


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